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Selling your Home: Goals Determine Your Strategy

Selling your Home: Goals Determine Your Strategy
Posted By @ May 8th 2018 2:02pm In: Events

Along with your realtor, you’ll develop a strategy to sell your house. You’ll have to determine the price, what you need to do to prepare, and how to market it.
Your priorities, as well as how well you can tolerate risk, will impact this strategy. Some people are comfortable with risk-taking: others, not so much.
Ask yourself the following questions to help you build a strategy with your agent that you’ll be comfortable with…
Why are you selling your home now?
Do you have time pressures?
What’s your timeframe for closing and moving? Is it flexible?
What is your budget for preparing your home for sale? Remember we talked last week about curb appeal, freshening paint, etc.
Market Conditions…
What’s the market forecast?
Is the market favorable for you or for buyers? Remember that right now, Sedona is a seller’s market. That can change at any time.
Other Considerations…
While this is not a complete list of everything you have to consider, it’s a good jumping off point.
Do you require any specific conditions or contingencies?
Do you have another house you want to purchase?
Can you afford two mortgages at the same time?
Your answers to these questions play a huge role in preparing, pricing, and marketing your home. For more information, or to get started on the process, please contact Jan or Wally, who will be able to develop a strategy that best suits you.

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