Phone 928.300.1699
Email Jan & Wally
Jan Bigelow: 928.300.1699
Wally Reule: 928.301.5943
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As you probably already know, Sedona is no stranger to special recognition for its natural beauty and hospitality. I have reported several times on awards that Sedona has received, including the Most Beautiful Place in America from USA Today. In my never ending quest to provide you with even more reasons to visit Sedona, I eagerly awaited the announcement of the best beer towns in America, only to have my hopes dashed. Sad to say, we did not make the top ten. However, I was able to get some solace from the fact that number one is in my home state of Michigan. Traverse City took home the top honors with an Oktoberfest Index of 100! To see the full list, go to
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