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When is the Best Time to Buy Real Estate in Sedona?

Posted By Wally Reule @ Aug 14th 2014 7:11pm In: Sedona Real Estate Market News

When is the best time to buy your new home in Sedona? Drumroll please. The answer is now, and here are four reasons why.

  1. Inventory of existing homes for sale is low, and demand has been increasing. It's the old Law of Supply and Demand. There are still some great deals on the market, and you can buy much more home than you can build for the same amount of money.
  2. The Federal Reserve plans to taper off its bond buying program starting in October. We all know what that means: higher interest rates.
  3. Flat wages in our economy threaten to make homes less affordable as prices go up faster that income.
  4. Don't wait for the above factors to limit your choices in the future. The better homes in Sedona are available now at good prices. The early bird gets the worm.

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